The New Zealand is a breed of rabbit, which despite the name, is American in origin. The breed originated in California and is recognized in five colors by the ARBA: white, red, black, blue, and broken. Little Creek Farms has white, black, blue, red, and broken colors although the whites are predominate. They average 10–12 pounds, with the does being slightly larger than the bucks. New Zealands are bred for meat, pelts, show, and laboratory uses, being the most commonly used breed of rabbit both for testing and meat production.
New Zealand rabbits have broad, muscular, and deep bodies of medium length, with well-rounded haunches. A noticeable characteristic of the white New Zealand is their bright ruby pink eye color. For this reason, they are often described as REW (ruby eyed white).
At Little Creek Farms, we have pedigreed New Zealand bucks and does, so we market our New Zealands as show rabbits. Contact Larry and Linda at 903-860-7511 for help picking out your New Zealand rabbit.
Contact Larry or Linda at 903-860-7511 (email: for availability or additional information. We normally don't post pictures of kits as they change so rapidly plus most or committed prior to birth. We try to have New Zealand kits that concide with the spring and fall rabbit shows. With so many shows this has become a challenge to have kits available that meet show rquirements. If you have a show you want us to breed for, it would help us to make your request at least four months before your show date. We try to breed does for paticular show request.
The following pictures are some of the breeding bucks used at Little Creek Farms. They have produced championship offspring. Click the picture to view caption comments. Contact Little Creek Farms for additional information. 903-860-7511