Californian rabbit is a beautiful domestic rabbit breed. It is also known as California White. The Californian is a breed of domestic rabbit originally developed in 1923 for the fur and meat industries. They were developed as a cross between pure New Zealand Whites to a Standard Chinchilla rabbits (for their dense coat) and Himalayan rabbits (from which the Californian's markings come).This new breed, named for the state of its origin, was first shown in 1928 and a standard was accepted by the ARBA in 1939.
The Californian is easily recognized by its white color with dark pointed ears, dark nose and feet. They normally weigh between 8 to 10 pounds. Today, Californians are the most common and widely raised rabbit breed in the United States. The Californian is a favorite in many shows because of its color features. Little Creek Farms has a good selection of Californians available.
We try to have Californian kits that concide with the spring and fall rabbit shows. With so many shows this has become a challenge to have kits available that meet show rquirements. If you have a show you want us to breed for, it would help us to make your request at least four months before your show date. We try to breed does for paticular show request.
Contact Larry or Linda at 903-860-7511 (email: for availability or additional information.